1 in 5 people will suffer this and how a Chelmsford Chiropractor can help

Did you know that 1 in 5 people will suffer from back pain at some time?

As an experienced Chelmsford Chiropractor every day I treat patients who are suffering back pain. The patients may be suffering their first occurrence of back pain or may have suffered recurring back pain for many years. They all have one thing in common – to be rid of their pain.

Low back pain is one of the most common conditions people suffer with when they visit me as a Chelmsford chiropractor. This can be caused in a variety of ways from poor lifting or incorrect carrying of heavy weights, to poor posture, stress, pregnancy and general wear and tear.

If you are suffering back pain yourself right now for the first time or maybe you suffer with recurring back pain – knowing this may not be a great comfort to you. However, help I sat hand.

Chiropractic treatment may be the solution for you.

Why not give us a call at Chelmsford Chiropractor and book an appointment with one of our team of Chelmsford chiropractors and get back your health and your life.