Helping to look after mothers this Mothers Day –Chelmsford Chiropractor Clinic shares these posture tips when looking after young children

  At our Chelmsford Chiropractor we know just how hard Mothers work, especially when trying to juggle work and looking after young children. Picking up children and even playing with them, can cause quite a strain to your back. A recent study found that 61% of parents suffer from back pain with over 40% saying…

Has TV show The Jump inspired you to get on your skis? Our Chelmsford Chiropractor offers this advice on keeping safe in the snow

  With the final episode of ‘The Jump’ seeing Joey Essex crowned champion, taking to the snow may seem tempting to some. Especially with February half term coming up. While taking to the slopes can be great fun and provides a great form of exercise, there is also a risk of injury. As with every…

Hitting the gym? Take care of your back – Tips to keep safe from a leading Chelmsford Chiropractor

  Here at our Chelmsford Chiropractor we are big supporters in keeping fit and healthy. Taking part in exercise is important but it is just as important to do so in a safe way. Exercise adds pressure to our joints and muscles and if it’s not done properly it can cause issues to your back…

Have a Merry Christmas from our Chelmsford Chiropractor and keep your back safe over the holidays

  The team at Chelmsford Chiropractor would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy Christmas. We are all looking forward to relaxing in front of the fire with a good film and eating lots of turkey and mince pies! At Christmas, we know lots of people will be wanting to do the same;…

Travel safe this Christmas. Timely advice from a Chelmsford Chiropractor

  Here at Chelmsford Chiropractor we are all very much looking forward to Christmas. For many, including some of us at the clinic, Christmas entails lots of long car journeys to visit family and friends. If you know that you have a long journey ahead of you this Christmas, it is worth remembering that sitting…

Standing desks are they really the answer asks our Chelmsford Chiropractor

  Here at our Chelmsford Chiropractor we know thatback pain is a common problem for many people and one main cause of this is because we spend a lot of our day sitting down for long periods of time, for example, sitting in you car, sitting at your desk at work and then going home…

Putting up your Christmas decorations? Take care of your back advises a leading Chelmsford Chiropractor

  Putting up the Christmas decorations for many of us is an important part of Christmas. Some people have even added decorations to the outside of their homes, with whole streets getting involved. Whatever scale of display you are intending, we want you to keep yourself safe this Christmas, especially when it comes to keeping…

Planning to do your Christmas shopping online? Take care of your back shares Chelmsford Chiropractor Clinic

  As the internet has developed over the years, more and more shops have been appearing online. Shopping via the internet has now become an extremely fast and easy way to shop in the 21st century. With Christmas just around the corner and towns and cities becoming very busy and hectic, many people are choosing…

Chiropractic is suitable for everybody from babies to the elderly – shares a leading Chelmsford Chiropractor

  Here at Cliffs Chiropractic in Chelmsford we take pride in the fact that we treat all ages, from new-born babies to the elderly. As a leading Chelmsford chiropractor we look at the person as an individual and then tailor a package of care for them. The chiropractic profession is the third highest profession after…